There's a new prim stitching group on facebook. Just for those of us who love to stitch
Primitive cross stitch designs. It's called Prim Stitchers Society in case
you're interested in joining. It was
started by Terri of Dixie Samplar and I was very excited to join the group as soon as she told me about it. It's a great bunch of really fun and friendly stitchers and we all seem to be just loving this group.
I created a freebie chart just for the prim stitchers society members! But, you can only get it if you become a member.

I ended up making this into a fabic covered box, which is now up as a giveaway to one of the members of the group. The winner of the drawing will be announced this Sunday.
Here's the link.
Here's how to join.
To be added as a member
to the Prim Stitchers Society, please go to the group page and click the
"join group" button. Ignore the "closed" status...that just means that
nonmembers are unable to see our posts. Once Terri receives the notification, she will add you and you should see the group on your FB page. I recommend that all members read the membership guidelines under the "files" section at the top of the page.
Hope to see you there!
Smiles, ~Nan
Smiles, ~Nan
This group is as addicting as Pinterest...just a warning to others who share my addictions! I refuse to go to rehab to cure my addiction to stitching!!! ~*
Thanks for letting us know about this group, Nan! I'm going to check it out right now!!!
Love the prim stitcher society!! Such much going on!
I'm in now!!! Thanks for sharing the info ~ and I love your little design!
Thanks for the info on this group. I just joined.
Ahhh.... very pretty. Too bad I am not a Facebook. :(
I joined but can't find the freebie.
Just joined the group a few days ago and love it. And makes me want to catch up with all of the great stitching. How do I get ahold of this beautiful freebie?
Thanks for sharing your stitcherie,,,love it!
I am a member of Prim Stitchers Society and am looking for the freebie pattern that u posted on April 3, 2014 and I cant seem to find it-------Help, Thanks Debbie
Happy to be a member! I am looking for the freebie pattern that you posted on April 3, 2014 and I cant seem to find it. I have seen other requests for this item. Please help with this. Thanks so much, Shirley
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