I feel very bad that I have neglected my blog for such a long time, but it has been a rough August. We got home from our wonderful vacation in Maui and began to deal with the reality that our 16 year old dog, Shannon, was going blind. She is the love of our life and I had a very hard time dealing with it. In reality we probably had a harder time with it than she did. She is completely blind now. She is such an inspiration and always has a happy wagging tail for us and lots of kisses. She has learned to negotiate the house pretty well, but I still worry quite a bit. This is a picture of her resting on her pillow. How could you resist that face?

Once she was in better spirits and seemed like she was getting back to her old self, I decided it was time to pick up my needle and thread again and start sewing. So, I have been quiet busy cross stitching, but have not found the time to get much of the finishing work done. Here are some of the items that I have stitched up in the last few weeks. Every time I got one project done I immediately started a new one.

Click on the picture to make it bigger and you will get a better view. As I get these items finished into pinkeeps and ditty bags, I will post pictures so that you can see how they came out. Warm wishes to all.