Here is a new pattern I'm officially releasing
called "Happy 4th". I say "officially" because,
I kind of tested it out first on a few friends when
I was thinking of starting to design. So, a few of
these patterns are out there already, but now
I'm ready to show it to the world :)
It's an exciting yet scary time when you start to
let the blog world see your designs and at the very
beginning ( months ago), I had my hesitations and
lots of butterflies in the pit of stomach.
I'm still a bit apprehensive, but I have such good
friends and family that cheer me on. And so many
new friends that I've gotten to know through blogging.
This pattern along with the others is $9 with free
shipping. You can email me at nanlewis@comcast.net
or purchase it through my Etsy shop.
Thank you to everyone for all your support and
kind words.
As always, Happy Stitching.
This is an absolutely beautiful pattern, Nan! You are doing a great job! Cindyfr
This is beautiful! I just love patriotic designs.
I encourage you to KEEP DESIGNING!!
Your 4th of July pattern is So Pretty !!!! I Love it & will have to buy it, your designs are SO Nice !!!
I love it! The strawberries are always ripe here near the 4th so it's perfect.
I just LOVE this design!! Patriotic designs are my absolute favorite. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the great work. I will be buying this for sure. I wonder if we are related?? Ha Ha.
Pam Lewis Abate
Beautiful work Nan ~ i love the month of July!! keep them coming!!
Love it!!!! :)
Wonderful pattern!
You are so talented!!! You can tell the butterflies to leave now... Your Happy 4th design is beautiful!!! I'm sure all of blog land is going to love your designs... Keep those designs coming, Nancy
That is so cute and I love the finishing! Will have to put this one on my wishlist.
Simply darling! I love this design~ You did good~
Love it! You're doing a great job!
ti seguo molto sul blog e posso dire che hai dei ricami magnifici, vorrei ricamarli tutti
buona gionrnata
un abbraccio
Tu as bien fait de me laisser l'adresse de ton blog sur le dernier message car, le coussin à aiguilles a bien été envoyé le 16 avril ( j'ai recommencé 3 fois )le 17, le 18 avril et aujourd'hui encore l'envoi revient en " mail delivery "
Peux-tu me donner une adresse valide où je peux envoyer la grille sans problème ?
Merci et à bientôt
You made well to leave me the address of your blog on the last message because, the cushion with needles was sent definitely on April 16th (I began again 3 times) 17, on April 18th and today even the dispatch returns in ' mail delivery ' Can you give me a valid address where I can send the gate without problem?
Thank you and see you soon
Beautiful, Nan!! It is so pretty. Great job, and best wishes for lots of success in your designing future. :)
I hope that this time there will be no problem
I am really sorry for this delay
Nice day Nanette
J'espère que cette fois il n'y aura aucun problème
Je suis vraiment désolée pour ce retard
Belle journée Nanette
Thanks so much. All your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated and mean so much to me.
Hello Nan,
J'ai bien envoyé le dessin à l'adresse de ton mari !
Je vais essayer une nouvelle fois à ton adresse et si tu ne reçois rien, je pense que je te rembourserai
Je suis désolée
J'ai oublié de te dire :
le mail de ton mari a fonctionné !
Je n'ai pas eu de retaour ...
J'essaie avec l'adresse que j'ai eue sur ton blog " contact E-mail
Peut-être que cela marchera mieux ?
Je pense que cette fois vous devriez avoir reçu
car rien ne m'est revenu ...
J'attends votre réponse
Merci Nan
et bon après-midi
Your new patriotic design is fabulous! Luv! Luv!
Kimberly: )
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