
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hi all.  I've really been under the weather the past week
with an awful chest cold, but I wanted to let you
know that the TDIPT Mercantile is turning 5 
and is having a giveaway of some incredible gifts
created by the artists.  
 x x x x x
My offering for the celebration
is this primitive sawdust stuffed cross stitch 
and wool pinkeep. 

Make sure to pop on over to their blog to see 
all the beautiful giveaway items that you can
 win and how to enter. 
Best of luck to all !


  1. Hi Nan! Hoping you're feeling your wool/stitched pinkeep ~

  2. Hey Nan....Knew you had been quite and sure do hate to hear you have been sick...Hard to shake a cold like that too...Take care of yourself.... Your wool is beautiful on the pinkeep design...perfect combination..

    Always, Faye

  3. Nan,
    I've stitched several of your designs and am glad that my lns carries them. I hope I win your drawing.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. It always puts a smile on my face to hear from you.